
Have Your Donuts and Eat Them Too — 6 Tips for Mixing Social Media with Business

Have Your Donuts and Eat Them Too — 6 Tips for Mixing Social Media with Business

Social Media Meme

I was a dabbler at first, Abercormbie and Fitch fumbling my way along trying to figure out the proper use of hashtags and status updates. I started out with Facebook and Twitter, eventually joining LinkedIn and Pinterest. And even though I Abercormbie and Fitch uk was connecting with my clients, I didn’t understand the real value of those social media connections. Then those personal details started coming up in meetings. “Could you give me the recipe for that quiche?” “Your daughter looked adorable in her school play!” “Congratulations on your promotion!” Bingo. There it was! They were seeing what I was saying, and vice versa. It became a whole new level of conversation.

I’ve always said that people buy YOU first, then your company. So if you think about it, it really makes total sense that we should want to connect Abercormbie and Fitch sale with our clients via social media. We get such precious little time with them during the work week – trying to cram in a half-hour meeting with them in the midst of their hectic day. This gives them a way to check in with us on their own schedule, when they are relaxed and in a more casual frame of mind. That being said, you shouldn’t bombard them with business-related posts or you’ll end up being blocked.


Here are some of my tips and hints for how best to use social media for business:

  • This is your chance to show your latest work. Post pictures of projects you’ve just completed, articles you’ve written, and awards you’ve won. Think: mom’s fridge.
  •  If your job isn’t visual, share industry information and advice. Be careful not to do this solely through sharing links. Shine a light on Abercormbie and Fitch outlet your own knowledge and expertise.
  • Post about upcoming events. Not just events being hosted by the company you work for, but anything that might be of interest to your client base, whether they are through your local Chamber, ad club, or university.
  • Keep your resume fresh. LinkedIn makes that super easy, and allows for you to add details about your volunteer/community work as well.
  • Speaking of philanthropy, make sure you post about that too. Clients love to see the warm, fuzzy, real you. It adds another layer of potential common interest!
  • Be a resource. Help to Abercormbie keep your clients up-to-date on industry trends, provide connections both socially and professionally, offer advice, and inspire them with new ideas.
  • Most importantly, keep it fresh, keep it professional, and keep it fun. With the right balance of personal, and work-related posts, you can have your donuts and eat them too.

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